I'm Lana, and I help brand owners take their business (and profits) to the next level.

You’ve got a great brand

Don't keep it a secret any longer

It's time to connect and inspire. Your awesomeness needs to be shared with the world (or at least with your ideal audience).You just need a clear message and the right words to make your brand shine.

Wondering how to create magical, money-making words?

You know what you want to say, but it's not quite making its way from your brain to the keyboard. And you're ready to throw your laptop across the room (wait, don't do that!)As a brand owner, you have A LOT going on. Running a business, selling online, creating offers, posting on socials, and answering inquiries. It can be hard to carve out time to write copy.You want to connect with your audience.You want authentic, clear messaging that inspires action.Bottom line — you want to make more sales

Branding is the process of connecting good strategy with good creativity.

Are you tired of trying to write your own brand copy?

You've probably tried to go it alone and do this copy and branding thing solo.You may have had some DIY successes. And quite possibly some hair-pulling, late-night #DIYfails.

  • How many hours have you spent honing your brand message by yourself?

  • Studying courses that promise you can be a marketing savvy word-whiz?

  • Or maybe you’ve hired someone in the past and it wasn’t quite right...

  • Copywriting is one of the areas in your business where hiring an expert can save you time, headaches, and actually make you more money.

People buy things because they hear or read words that make them want to buy things. Words matter.

Who What Why

I'm Lana. Chief Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, and Brand Consultant. I've worked in agency marketing for over 12+ years before becoming a full time brand strategist and copywriter.But what's most important to you is enlisting a copywriter and strategist adept at understanding new businesses, helping you identify your unique selling proposition, pinpointing your customer awareness levels, and ACTUALLY marketing an irresistible offer that your target audience will love.Because let's face it...NOT ALL COPY IS CREATED EQUALAnd I can tell you right now, I write copy that converts.

  • I've helped clients: Increase their annual promotion 145% over goal with targeted email + marketing efforts

  • Consistently drive foot traffic to their brick-n-mortar locations — up 6% from highest previous periods

  • Position client in the #1 spot on organic Google Search

  • Improve promotional email open rates from 25% - 45%

  • Continually sell out new products with stunning product descriptions on Shopify

  • Create a trademarked branding story for a new personal and skincare brand that helped sell thousands of products within seconds of launch


Let's connect

Luckily, you don’t need to figure this all out on your own. I’ll do the heavy lifting when it comes to finding your brand voice, on-point message, and “buy-now” inspiring copy.With an exacting work ethic and 12+ years of both client and brand marketing experience, I’ll help craft and catapult your messaging to new heights.I help brands define their brilliance and communicate it with clarity, confidence, and a bit of messaging magic.Let's See If We're A Good Fit And How I Can Help You Reach Your Goals.